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About the Host Darren Briggs

Hey, I'm Darren owner of Tullah TimeOut & Tullah HideAway


I am committed to living as sustainably as possible. This includes how & where I source food (preferably home grown or local), transport, housing & energy choices, philanthropic & political choices among others.

Work in health care where I believe all should have equal access to care independent of their financial means, faith or social standing

Enjoy spending time with family/children & friends and in recreational pursuits of trail running, bush walking & kayaking....including as much as possible in the West Coast & Tarkine Wilderness area where I feel privileged to host Tullah TimeOut Holiday Home. I believe long term industries which nurture this special & unique environment should be supported over those which destroy & takeaway resources for short term monetary gain, forgetting the long term value these areas provide including tourism, biodiversity, clean air & water, climate change mitigation, as yet undiscovered pharmaceuticals & much is these things for which we are guardians for future generations, our children.

Hope you choose to stay at Tullah TimeOut or Tullah Hideaway and enjoy your stay.

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